Water Damage Near Electrical Outlet
BEFORE: Water damage can be seen around the perimeter of the basement, close to electrical outlets. This is particularly dangerous.
Water Damage on Closet Doors
BEFORE: Water damage from flooding on the closet doors of this bedroom.
BEFORE: Parts of the basement were used for storage.
Moldy Walls
BEFORE: Black mold can be seen growing on the walls.
Discharge Line
BEFORE: The previous discharge was makeshift and ran out of an open window!
AFTER: TripleSafe pump system we installed in the lowest point in the basement.
WaterGuard Perimeter
AFTER: The WaterGuard piping system ran around the perimeter of the basement and around the boilers.
Cracks in Floors
We filled in and cemented the cracks on the floors to ensure water cannot come up through the floors.
The WaterGuard piping system runs around the full perimeter of the basement
Water Drainage
The WaterGuard runs into every room in the basement, around every obstacle such as the boiler.
Basement Cracks Filled
More cracks were filled and WaterGuard installed along the walls.
WaterGuard in Multiple Rooms
The WaterGuard system runs along the foundation walls and behind the sheet rock, allowing it to be hidden from sight and also works to keep the floors dry in multiple rooms.
WaterGuard Walls
Every room is protected as the WaterGuard runs around the perimeter of every room and is connected at every intersection.
IceGuard Discharge
We ran a new discharge line that comes out through the siding. The IceGuard ensures discharge in freezing temperatures, and the discharge line was buried underground and away from the house to ensure there is no back flow into the basement.