Bowing Walls Straightened
Our Systems Design Specialist Eric Greenberg inspected a house in Williston Park and realized inward movement within the walls of the home. Eric diagnosed the house with bowing walls. Bowing walls are dangerous overtime and it is important to take care of the situation right away to prevent further cracking, leaning and buckling. Eventually collapsing may occur if this problem is not addressed. Eric sent in foreman Travis and his production team to handle the situation.
Travis and his team recommended installing GEO Locks, a foundation specialty created to fix and prevent bowing walls. GEO Lock anchors have clamping pressure that will restore the foundation walls by stabilizing them. The pressure of the clamps will hold the walls in place accordingly, and while further adjustment is possible, it will not be needed. Our team will adjust the GEO lock anchors to the appropriate needs of the home, leaving the walls permanently stabilized. This resulted in a safer living environment and peace of mind for the entire family.